Clarity Smart Contract Language


Clarity of Mind Foreword Introduction

Runtime cost analysis

Every transaction executed on-chain comes at a cost. Miners run and verify transactions, levying transaction fees for their work. These costs should be very familiar to anyone who has ever interacted with a blockchain.

But there are other costs that not many are aware of. They are called execution costs and each block is limited by them. In addition to block size, these are what limit the number of transactions that can fit into a single block. They are also used to reduce resource consumption when calling read-only functions.

Execution costs

In Clarity, execution costs are broken up into five different categories, each with its own limit.

|                      | Block Limit  | Read-Only Limit |
| Runtime              | 5000000000   | 1000000000      |
| Read count           | 15000         | 30             |
| Read length (bytes)  | 100000000    | 100000          |
| Write count          | 15000         | 0              |
| Write length (bytes) | 15000000     | 0               |

Runtime costs limits overall complexity of the code that can be executed. For example, negating a boolean value is less complex than calculating SHA512 hash, therefore (not false) will consume less runtime costs than (sha512 "hello world") . This category is also affected by contract size.

Read count limits how many times we can read from memory or chain state to a extract piece of information. It is affected by reading constants, variables, intermediate variables created with let , maps, but also by some functions that needs to save intermediate results during execution.

Read length (bytes) limits how much data we can read from memory or the chain. It is also affected by contract size. Calling into a contract using contract-call? Increases the read length by an amount equal to the contract size in bytes, every time. If you call into a contract with a length of 2, 000 bytes twice, the read length is increased twice.

Write count limits how many times we can write data into chain. It increments when writing to variables and maps.

Write length (bytes) limits how much data we can write to the chain.

Read and write limits are self explanatory and practically static. The more data we read and write, the closer we get to the limits. Runtime costs are more dynamic, and more difficult to grasp as each Clarity function has its own runtime cost. For some it is static, and for the others it changes based on how much data they have to process. For example, the not function always takes exactly one boolean and does the same amount of work, while filter takes an iterator function and a list that can contain a number of elements, making the amount of work required dynamic.

Developers have to be careful with how they structure their code, which functions they use, and they use them, as it is quite easy to write code that is entirely correct, yet so expensive to execute that it will eat significant portion of execution costs set for all transactions in a block. As a result, the function may only be able to be called a few times per block—not to mention having to compete with others for such a large chunk of the block.

Analysis using Clarinet

Analysis costs can be challenging, so it is important to have good tooling. Clarinet has cost analysis features built-in which make the development lifecycle a lot easier. We will take a look at manual as well as automated cost analysis tests.

Manual analysis

You can get the costs of any expression manually by dropping into a console session. Open the counter project from chapter 7.2 and start a session with clarinet console . Remember that you can type ::help to see REPL commands. In there, you will find a command to analyse the costs of an expression:

::get_costs <expr>                      Display the cost analysis

You can put the command in front of any Clarity expression to tell the REPL that you also want to see the execution costs. Let us try it with the not function to negate a false value:

>> ::get_costs (not false)
|                      | Consumed | Limit      |
| Runtime              | 186      | 5000000000 |
| Read count           | 0        | 15000      |
| Read length (bytes)  | 0        | 100000000  |
| Write count          | 0        | 15000      |
| Write length (bytes) | 0        | 15000000   |


As you can see, the not function consumed 186 runtime units. All the others are zero because the not function does not read or write anything.

Next, let us try calling the sha512 function with an input uint of u1234.

>> ::get_costs (sha512 u1234)
|                      | Consumed | Limit      |
| Runtime              | 193      | 5000000000 |
| Read count           | 0        | 15000      |
| Read length (bytes)  | 0        | 100000000  |
| Write count          | 0        | 15000      |
| Write length (bytes) | 0        | 15000000   |


It thus appears that the sha512 function is more expensive to execute than not, which makes sense.

But we are not limited to just inline expressions. We can also get the runtime cost of a contract call. Remember how to call count-up? Let us see what costs are involved with updating the counters map.

>> ::get_costs (contract-call? .counter count-up)
|                      | Consumed | Limit      |
| Runtime              | 6692     | 5000000000 |
| Read count           | 5        | 15000      |
| Read length (bytes)  | 418      | 100000000  |
| Write count          | 1        | 15000      |
| Write length (bytes) | 165      | 15000000   |

(ok true)

Quite the difference from the above. Explaining all the exact numbers is a bit tough but we can make a few deductions:

  • Loading the contract into memory affects the the runtime and read dimensions.
  • Reading the map via map-get?, as found in the get-count function, adds to the read dimensions.
  • The count-up function calls map-set and writes a new value, which is evident from the write count of one.

Automated analysis

Clarinet can automatically run cost analysis on test. As long as your unit tests are comprehensive, then you do not need to do anything special to make use of this feature. The unit tests we wrote in chapter 7.4 can be executed while also analysing costs by adding the --costs option. The full command is thus as follows: clarinet test --costs. You will see that a costs analysis table will be printed after the result of the unit tests.

Running counter/tests/counter_test.ts
* get-count returns u0 for principals that never called count-up before ... ok (5ms)
* count-up counts up for the tx-sender ... ok (6ms)
* counters are specific to the tx-sender ... ok (13ms)

test result: ok. 3 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out (382ms)

Contract calls cost synthesis
|                                   | Runtime (units) | Read Count | Read Length (bytes) | Write Count | Write Length (bytes) | Tx per Block |
| counter::count-up                 |    6692 (0.00%) |  5 (0.03%) |         418 (0.00%) |   1 (0.01%) |          165 (0.00%) |         1550 |
| counter::get-count                |    3213 (0.00%) |  4 (0.03%) |         418 (0.00%) |           0 |                    0 |         1937 |
|                                                                                                                                            |
| Mainnet Block Limits (Stacks 2.0) |      5000000000 |      15000 |           100000000 |       15000 |             15000000 |            / |

What makes the test method even more useful is that it also shows you the percentage of the block budget each function consumes. That number is very important as it shows you how many of these contract calls can fit in a single block. And remember, every user of the blockchain competes for the same block budget! If your function calls takes a good chunk of the block budget then miners might elect to ignore your transaction so that it can fit a larger number of transactions in the block. You should therefore strive to make the percentages as low as possible.

Optimising runtime cost

Setting up a cost baseline

As was seen in the previous section, costs are influenced by various factors. It can therefore be hard to trace exactly which parts of your smart contracts are the largest contributors to the overall runtime cost. It can be a good idea to add a cost baseline by temporarily including a simple function to the contract you want to analyse. The cost dimensions of calling the function will then serve as the minimum amount required to interact with your contract. Such a function could look like this:

(define-read-only (a) true)

Clarity is an interpreted language, which means that the length of symbols also has an effect on the runtime cost. That means that the length of function, argument, and variable names must be taken into account. The baseline function above has the shortest possible name a and returns the simplest type of Clarity value; namely, a boolean.

Having a reference point is very important, especially when working with big contracts, because in big contracts functions that should be cheap can be quite expensive only due to contract size. You might thus erroneously assume there is something wrong with your function when it is actually due to the sheer size of the contract itself.

Contracts that require a lot of upfront setup

More complicated smart contract systems might require a decent amount of upfront work. Examples include adding initial values to data maps or by calling into different contracts. These actions normally only need to happen once. If your application demands such a setup then consider moving the setup logic into a separate contract. The setup contract can then be deployed by itself and used to initialise your project. Once the setup is completed, the application will run more efficiently as the core contract is not bogged down by many lines of initialising code. Not to mention that decoupling your setup logic can make maintenance easier as well.

Common optimisations

Remove code repetition

A general rule is to prevent code repetition. If you catch yourself copying and pasting parts of a function then consider turning that logic into a separate function.

Inline expressions

Any time a variable is defined using let, check if the variable is actually used more than once. If not, inline the variable expression where it is used. It might even be the case that the let expression itself can be replaced with a cheaper one like begin.

Remove fake variables

You should only define contract variables with define-data-var if you actually plan on changing the variables over the contract lifetime. Any variables that are defined once and then only read can usually be replaced by constants defined with define-constant.

Call into contracts as few times as possible

A pattern commonly observed is to have one contract that contains business logic and another that is meant for storage. If a function you are writing calls into a contract multiple times and you control the destination contract, then consider rewriting both contracts such that only a single call is necessary. A contrived example to highlight the change is as follows:

(define-public (example-1)
            ;; Here the storage contract is called twice, which means
            ;; the contract code is loaded twice, which in turn means
            ;; the read dimension is incremented twice.
            (value-a (contract-call? .storage-contract get-value-a))
            (value-b (contract-call? .storage-contract get-value-b))
        ;; Business logic here...
        (ok true)

(define-public (example-2)
            ;; Here the storage is called only once. Cost savings!
            (value-a-b (contract-call? .storage-contract get-value-a-and-b))
            ;; The value returned is a tuple containing both values.
            (value-a (get a value-a-b))
            (value-b (get b value-a-b))
        ;; Business logic here...
        (ok true)

Further optimisation techniques

Reducing runtime cost can be as challenging as writing the smart contract in the first place. There is no silver bullet for when a contract turns out to be rather expensive to execute. Next to the more common optimisations, here are some more techniques and tips to consider:

  1. Reduce obvious code complexity. First write correct code, then work on the costs.
  2. Reduce the amount of data to be read and written. Analyse what information actually needs to be stored and retrieved.
  3. Reduce number of times the contract reaches for the same data. Do not read the same variables or map data multiple times.
  4. Look at how data stored in data variables and maps is used in the contract. Split or combine them where it makes sense. If a data variable or map stores a tuple, see if you always need all fields.
  5. Combine multiple contract calls to the same contract into single call if possible.
  6. Inline or extract logic if you notice repetition.
  7. Reducing the amount of data passed between functions. For example, if you only need one field of a tuple, pass just that value instead of the entire tuple.
  8. See if reversing logic is cheaper. For example, instead of counting positive values in a list, it might be more cost effective to count zeros if it is expected that the list should consists of only positive values.
  9. Unroll loops made with map and fold and see what difference it makes.
  10. Reduce contract size by removing comments, using shorter names for functions, variables, and keys in tuples.

Long term recommendations

Start with working code and focus on functionality first. Once that is done, write tests and write a lot of them. Code refactoring is difficult and tests help you make sure that your code behaves the same way before and after the refactor. Bugs become exceedingly difficult to catch the more complicated the project becomes. A complex function may break accidentally when it is refactored. Furthermore, aim for low hanging fruits first by applying common optimisation techniques. Avoid optimising complex functions as the smaller ones may give you what you need. Small gains can accumulate very quickly and cause a snowball effect. Reducing costs of one function by mere fraction may result in a large cost reduction in another.

Code that is efficient in byte size—that is to say, takes up the least amount of code—may often not be the most efficient in terms of runtime cost. For example, if you execute a fold over a small list, but each element of that list is a tuple, test if unwinding the code is cheaper to execute. You will find it to be the case rather often. Unwinding a loop means to get rid of the iteration in favour of sequential statements. The contract becomes larger in terms of actual code but may be reduced in complexity. If you are unfamiliar with unwinding, here is a very basic example of the process:

(define-private (sum-values-iter (current uint) (previous uint))
    (+ previous current)

(define-read-only (sum-values (values (list 10 uint)))
    (fold sum-values-iter values u0)

;; Unwinding removes the iterative function `fold` .
(define-read-only (sum-values-unwind (values (list 10 uint)))
        (default-to u0 (element-at values u0))
        (default-to u0 (element-at values u1))
        (default-to u0 (element-at values u2))
        (default-to u0 (element-at values u3))
        (default-to u0 (element-at values u4))
        (default-to u0 (element-at values u5))
        (default-to u0 (element-at values u6))
        (default-to u0 (element-at values u7))
        (default-to u0 (element-at values u8))
        (default-to u0 (element-at values u9))

Always remember that you should do as little on-chain as possible. You may find that a read-only function does not fit into read-only limits. If the output of the function is meant to be displayed in the frontend of your application, then consider exposing the required contract data used by the function directly and handle the actual calculations off-chain.