Clarity Smart Contract Language


Clarity of Mind Foreword Introduction

Listing & cancelling sales

Our marketplace functions as an escrow contract at its bare essence. It takes someone's NFT, along with some conditions, and releases it when these conditions are met. One of those conditions is providing right payment tokens. Most of the functionality thus involves tokens, which means it useful to create some helper functions that transfer NFTs and fungible tokens. The functions will take a trait reference (either SIP009 or SIP010) and then do the proper contract-call? to transfer the token.

(define-private (transfer-nft (token-contract <nft-trait>) (token-id uint) (sender principal) (recipient principal))
    (contract-call? token-contract transfer token-id sender recipient)

(define-private (transfer-ft (token-contract <ft-trait>) (amount uint) (sender principal) (recipient principal))
    (contract-call? token-contract transfer amount sender recipient none)

We will use these functions to implement the rest of the marketplace.

Listing an NFT

Principals will call into a function list-asset to put their NFT up for sale. The call will have to include a trait reference and a tuple that contains the information to store in the listing map we came up with in the previous section. The flow of the listing function will go something like this:

  1. Retrieve the current listing ID to use by reading the listing-nonce variable.
  2. Assert that the NFT asset is whitelisted.
  3. Assert that the provided expiry height is somewhere in the future.
  4. Assert that the listing price is larger than zero.
  5. If a payment asset is given, assert that it is whitelisted.
  6. Transfer the NFT from the tx-sender to the marketplace.
  7. Store the listing information in the listings data map.
  8. Increment the listing-nonce variable.
  9. Return an ok to materialise the changes.

We will return the listing ID when everything goes well as a convenience for frontends and other contracts that interact with the marketplace.

(define-public (list-asset (nft-asset-contract <nft-trait>) (nft-asset {taker: (optional principal), token-id: uint, expiry: uint, price: uint, payment-asset-contract: (optional principal)}))
    (let ((listing-id (var-get listing-nonce)))
        (asserts! (is-whitelisted (contract-of nft-asset-contract)) err-asset-contract-not-whitelisted)
        (asserts! (> (get expiry nft-asset) block-height) err-expiry-in-past)
        (asserts! (> (get price nft-asset) u0) err-price-zero)
        (asserts! (match (get payment-asset-contract nft-asset) payment-asset (is-whitelisted payment-asset) true) err-payment-contract-not-whitelisted)
        (try! (transfer-nft nft-asset-contract (get token-id nft-asset) tx-sender (as-contract tx-sender)))
        (map-set listings listing-id (merge {maker: tx-sender, nft-asset-contract: (contract-of nft-asset-contract)} nft-asset))
        (var-set listing-nonce (+ listing-id u1))
        (ok listing-id)

Pay close attention to the map-set expression. Notice the merge? It merges two tuples together, which in this case is the information provided by the user, plus a tuple that sets the maker key to tx-sender and the nft-asset-contract to a value equal to (contract-of nft-asset-contract). The contract-of expression takes a principal passed via a trait reference and turns it into a generic principal type. We do this because a trait reference <nft-trait> cannot be stored in a data map. You will see why this is useful later.

Finally, we create a read-only function that returns a listing by ID as usual.

(define-read-only (get-listing (listing-id uint))
    (map-get? listings listing-id)

Cancelling a listing

A listing is available until it either expires or is cancelled by the maker. When the maker cancels the listing, all that has to happen is for the marketplace to send the NFT back and delete the listing from the data map. The maker only has to provide the listing ID and the NFT asset contract trait reference. The rest can be read from the data map.

(define-public (cancel-listing (listing-id uint) (nft-asset-contract <nft-trait>))
    (let (
        (listing (unwrap! (map-get? listings listing-id) err-unknown-listing))
        (maker (get maker listing))
        (asserts! (is-eq maker contract-caller) err-unauthorised)
        (asserts! (is-eq (get nft-asset-contract listing) (contract-of nft-asset-contract)) err-nft-asset-mismatch)
        (map-delete listings listing-id)
        (as-contract (transfer-nft nft-asset-contract (get token-id listing) tx-sender maker))

See how we check if the trait reference is equal to the contract principal stored in the listing? Even though we cannot store trait references, we can still verify that the expected trait reference was passed.

Testing listing and cancelling

Let us perform a quick manual test to see if it all works as expected. We can drop into a clarinet console session and perform the steps manually.

We first mint an NFT for ourselves.

>> (contract-call? .sip009-nft mint tx-sender)
Events emitted
(ok u1)

We will also verify if we actually own it.

>> (contract-call? .sip009-nft get-owner u1)

Before we can list it, we have to whitelist the NFT contract.

>> (contract-call? .tiny-market set-whitelisted .test-sip009 true)
(ok true)

Then we try to list the NFT for sale on the marketplace for an amount of u1000. We will set the expiry to block 500 and have no intended taker or payment asset contract.

>> (contract-call? .tiny-market list-asset .sip009-nft {taker: none, token-id: u1, expiry: u500, price: u1000, payment-asset-contract: none})
Events emitted
(ok u0)

Great! Looks like that worked. It returned an ok value with the listing ID, which for the first one is naturally u0. We can then retrieve that listing:

>> (contract-call? .tiny-market get-listing u0)
(some {expiry: u500, maker: ST1PQHQKV0RJXZFY1DGX8MNSNYVE3VGZJSRTPGZGM, nft-asset-contract: ST1PQHQKV0RJXZFY1DGX8MNSNYVE3VGZJSRTPGZGM.sip009-nft, payment-asset-contract: none, price: u1000, taker: none, token-id: u1})

Who now owns the NFT? We can check by querying the NFT contract again.

>> (contract-call? .sip009-nft get-owner u1)

Looks like it is owned by the marketplace contract as expected!

For fun, let us see what happens if we try to list an NFT we do not own. For example with a bogus token ID of 555.

>> (contract-call? .tiny-market list-asset .sip009-nft {taker: none, token-id: u555, expiry: u500, price: u1000, payment-asset-contract: none})
(err u3)

And finally, we can cancel the listing and get the NFT back.

>> (contract-call? .tiny-market cancel-listing u0 .sip009-nft)
Events emitted
(ok true)

And we can see it was transferred back to us.