Clarity Smart Contract Language


Clarity of Mind Foreword Introduction

Smart claimant

The time-locked wallet we created in the previous section is delightfully simple. But imagine that after it is deployed, the beneficiary desires to split the balance over multiple distinct beneficiaries. Maybe it was deployed by an old relative years ago and the beneficiary now wants to share with the rest of the family. Whatever the reason, we obviously cannot simply go back and change or redeploy the time-locked wallet. At some point it is going to unlock, after which the sole beneficiary can claim the entire balance. The solution? We can create a minimal ad hoc smart contract to act as the beneficiary! It will call claim, and if successful, disburse the tokens to a list of principals equally.

The point of this exercise is to show how smart contracts can interact with each other and how one can augment functionality or mitigate issues of older contracts.

Example ad hoc contract

We will add the smart-claimant contract to the existing time-locked wallet project for ease of development and testing. Navigate into it and add it using clarinet contract new smart-claimant.

For this example, we will assume there to be four beneficiaries. We will take wallets 1 through 4 as defined in the Clarinet configuration. (Adjust the addresses if your Clarinet configuration differs.)

| ST1J4G6RR643BCG8G8SR6M2D9Z9KXT2NJDRK3FBTK (wallet_1) | 1000000 |
| ST20ATRN26N9P05V2F1RHFRV24X8C8M3W54E427B2 (wallet_2) | 1000000 |
| ST21HMSJATHZ888PD0S0SSTWP4J61TCRJYEVQ0STB (wallet_3) | 1000000 |
| ST2QXSK64YQX3CQPC530K79XWQ98XFAM9W3XKEH3N (wallet_4) | 1000000 |

Custom claim function

Clarity is well-suited for creating small ad hoc smart contracts. Instead of coming up with a complicated mechanism for adding and removing beneficiaries, we will keep it simple and imagine that the people that are supposed to receive a portion of the balance are in the same room and that the wallet is unlocking imminently. They witness the creation of the contract by the current beneficiary and provide their wallet addresses directly.

The custom claim function will:

  • Call claim on the time-locked wallet, exiting if it fails.
  • Read the balance of the current contract. We do not read the balance of the time-locked wallet because someone might have sent some tokens to the smart-claimant by mistake. We want to include those tokens as well.
  • Calculate an equal share for each recipient by dividing the total balance by the number of recipients.
  • Send the calculated share to each recipient.
  • Transfer the remainder in case of a rounding error. (Remember that integers have no decimal point.)

Whipping this up as a single hard-coded function is effortless.

(define-public (claim)
        (try! (as-contract (contract-call? .timelocked-wallet claim)))
                (total-balance (as-contract (stx-get-balance tx-sender)))
                (share (/ total-balance u4))
            (try! (as-contract (stx-transfer? share tx-sender 'ST1J4G6RR643BCG8G8SR6M2D9Z9KXT2NJDRK3FBTK)))
            (try! (as-contract (stx-transfer? share tx-sender 'ST20ATRN26N9P05V2F1RHFRV24X8C8M3W54E427B2)))
            (try! (as-contract (stx-transfer? share tx-sender 'ST21HMSJATHZ888PD0S0SSTWP4J61TCRJYEVQ0STB)))
            (try! (as-contract (stx-transfer? (stx-get-balance tx-sender) tx-sender 'ST2QXSK64YQX3CQPC530K79XWQ98XFAM9W3XKEH3N)))
            (ok true)

That is it. Guarding claim is unnecessary because the recipients are hardcoded. If any of the token transfers fail then the whole call is reverted. (Curious how to reduce the code repetition seen above? You can find some tips and tricks in the chapter on best practices.)

Unit tests

The smart-claimant does not care for what reason the time-locked wallet would error out. We therefore only need to consider the state of a successful transfer.

  name: "Disburses tokens once it can claim the time-locked wallet balance",
  async fn(chain: Chain, accounts: Map<string, Account>) {
    const deployer = accounts.get("deployer")!;
    const beneficiary = `${deployer.address}.smart-claimant`;
    const wallet1 = accounts.get("wallet_1")!;
    const wallet2 = accounts.get("wallet_2")!;
    const wallet3 = accounts.get("wallet_3")!;
    const wallet4 = accounts.get("wallet_4")!;
    const unlock_height = 10;
    const amount = 1000; // be sure to pick a test amount that is divisible by 4 for this test.
    const share = Math.floor(amount / 4);
      Tx.contractCall("timelocked-wallet", "lock", [
      ], deployer.address),
    const block = chain.mineBlock([
      Tx.contractCall("smart-claimant", "claim", [], deployer.address),

    // Take the first receipt.
    const [receipt] = block.receipts;
    // The claim should be successful.

    // All wallets should have received their share., beneficiary, wallet1.address);, beneficiary, wallet2.address);, beneficiary, wallet3.address);, beneficiary, wallet4.address);

The full source code of the project can be found here: